maandag 17 mei 2010

maandag 3 mei 2010

Leaving the team

Sinds dat Vincent Lynen 'n nieuw team is gestart heeft Mike SegwayBMX verlaten.
Mike rijdt voortaan voor RATBMX

De kans bestaat dat andere leden ook nog vertrekken.



zondag 2 mei 2010

SegwayBMX Team (preview Maarten)

Hier is de foto van Maarten die gebruikt gaat worden voor de Team Round-up. Meer foto's komen nog. :)

SegwayBMX Team (preview Lennert)

Binnenkort komt er een  Team Round-up. Hier is alvast een preview van Lennert. (ieder team-lid komt nog aan bod).

Stay tuned!

zaterdag 10 april 2010

10 Q's to Karl Poynter

Na lang wachten, is Karl Poynter dan toch ingegaan op ons interview :

1. An easy question to start off; Name, age, hometown and sponsors?

Karl Quentin Poynter, 22, New Castle, IN USA

Eastern Bikes, The Shadow Conspiracy, Duffs Footwear, The Last People, Hardcore Sportz
2. When did you start riding BMX, and on what bike was that?                                                    

Well I starting riding a bike without training wheels when I was 3 years old, but truly started riding BMX at the end of '97 when I was 9 years old. My first
official BMX bike was a Robinson Rebel.

3. What was the first trick you ever learnt?

I'd have to say a wheelie. I remember having so much fun riding wheelies up and down the streets in my neighborhood. I still do wheelies to this day! haha

4. What are your hobby's, next to BMX?

I'm into a lot of stuff. A few things that's keeping me busy when I'm not riding BMX are paintball, fixed gear bikes, mountain bikes, business, art, music, fashion, food, bloggin', home design, basketball, foosball, and plenty more.

5. Who is your favorite rider?

That's a tough one to say. I can't narrow it down to just one favorite rider. A few that come to mind are Seth Kimbrough, Adam Banton, Johnny Devlin, Chad Degroot, Tate Roskelly, Eric Holley, and so many more. I'm into rider's who put some creative thinking into their riding.

6. What's your favourite city to ride BMX?

I've been to Barcelona, Spain twice and it's been amazing each time. I seem to always have fun every time I ride in Philly as well. I think it's due to all the unique spots I always come across there. I like cruisin' in any major city really.

7. Many people know you because of the fact that you ride a freecoaster, but why actually do you prefer a freecoaster to a regular cassette hub?

I ride with a free-coaster mainly because of the amount of enjoyment I get from it. I've been riding with a free-coaster for over 6 years now. Before then I of course rode a cassette and was into a lot of backward maneuvers. I've always been into trying to improve the way my riding looks and in my opinion I think fakie tricks look much smoother and cleaner without having to pedal backwards. Bottom line is that riding with a free-coaster is fun for me.
8. If you'd never got into BMX, what would you be doing right now?

I'd probably be playing paintball full time. I'm on a team now and compete nationally already. Paintball is definitely another passion of mine aside from BMX.

9. If you could say 1 thing to the Belgian BMXers and BMX-community, what would you say?

Always keep in mind the true essence of what riding bikes is all about. We all started riding BMX because we enjoy it and it puts a smile on our face. That's something I say everyday to kids that come into my bike shop.

10. Last question, a weird one; What's up with all those food-pictures on Facebook? =P

That question isn't as weird as me posting photos of what I eat on my facebook! haha I first started doing it just to mess around and then people seemed to start to enjoy seeing what I ate on a daily basis. So I just kept it going.
